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2025-01-04 14:01    点击次数:176

   今年,你吃西瓜了吗?图源:视觉中国继榴莲、荔枝、樱桃后,西瓜也迎来了大降价,相关话题冲上热搜,引发网友关注。Following price drops for durians, lychees, and cherries, watermelons have also seen a significant decrease in price. This topic quickly trended online, capturing the attention of many netizens.据农业农村部数据,今年第23周,也就是6月3日至6月9日这周,全国西瓜批发均价为3.63元/公斤,环比跌13.8%,为连续8周下跌。相较于5月初5.6元至5.7元/公斤的批发均价,降价超三成。According to data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, during the 23rd week of this year (June 3 to June 9), the national average wholesale price of watermelons was 3.63 yuan per kilogram, marking a 13.8% week-on-week decrease. This decline has been ongoing for eight consecutive weeks. Compared to the average wholesale price of 5.6 to 5.7 yuan per kilogram in early May, the price has dropped by more than 30%.图源:视觉中国同期,农业农村部重点监测的富士苹果、鸭梨、香蕉、巨峰葡萄、西瓜和菠萝等6种果品第23周批发市场均价为每公斤7.36元,环比跌0.1%,同比低10.4%。农业农村部农产品市场分析预警团队水果首席分析师、中国农业科学院农业信息研究所研究员赵俊晔认为,近期西瓜价格下跌主要还是季节性因素导致的,其他几种水果供求比较平稳,价格波动不大。西瓜的市场供求和价格变化季节性突出,一般都是二三月份价格最高,七至九月份最低。春夏之交西瓜大量上市,价格快速下滑。Zhao Junye, chief fruit variety analyst at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Market Analysis and Early Warning Team, attributes the recent drop in watermelon prices to seasonal factors. Watermelon prices are typically highest in February and March and lowest from July to September. As watermelons enter the market in large quantities during the spring to summer transition, prices decline rapidly.图源:视觉中国与2023年相比,今年的西瓜价格呈现出入夏后价格下跌快的特点。2023年,西瓜价格从每公斤6元降至3.27元,用时11周,而2024年西瓜价格从每公斤6元降至3.63元,用时8周,价格下跌快。为什么会出现这样的现象?赵俊晔认为,今年各地入夏偏早,气温高,露地种植的西瓜成熟提前,增产幅度大,导致阶段性供给显著增加。如5月至6月山东、江苏、河南等主产区露地西瓜集中上市,供应量整体较大。This year, the early onset of summer and high temperatures led to earlier maturity and increased production of open-field watermelons, resulting in a significant supply increase, according to Zhao. From May to June, main production areas like Shandong, Jiangsu, and Henan provinces saw a large influx of watermelons into the market.图源:视觉中国另外,今年水果供给相对充足,品类也比较丰富,消费者的选择多。一方面,苹果、梨等冷库存贮水果清库销售,另一方面樱桃、菠萝、油桃、杏、李等时令水果陆续上市。水果进口的增加也加大了水果供给。The fruit supply has been relatively abundant and diverse this year, giving consumers more choices. On one hand, stored fruits like apples and pears are being cleared out and sold. On the other hand, seasonal fruits like cherries, pineapples, nectarines, apricots, and plums are coming into the market. The increase in fruit imports has also boosted the overall supply.中国果品流通协会秘书长陈磊介绍,去年协会大多数会员企业业务量出现下降,今年以来整个水果消费市场仍处于恢复期,加上今年部分品种水果供应量增长,价格降幅较大。“如榴莲,除了泰国,我们现在也从越南、菲律宾进口,进口量增加导致榴莲价格一路走低,此外,樱桃、草莓、蓝莓等水果价格同比也有较大降幅,从这一点来说,对消费者是很大利好,可以选择多种水果来消费。”陈磊说。记者了解到,目前许多主产区的地方政府部门积极开展西瓜等水果的产销对接活动,向销地批发市场、商超等进行产品推介,帮助果农销售。图源:视觉中国后期价格走势如何?“6至8月是水果价格季节性下滑的阶段,特别是西瓜。6月份之后西北产区西甜瓜上市,市场供给继续增大,另外桃、李等其他时令性水果大量上市,西瓜价格预计会持续下跌。”赵俊晔说。"June to August is the period when fruit prices typically decline, especially for watermelons," Zhao said. "After June, melons from the northwest production areas enter the market, increasing supply. Additionally, seasonal fruits like peaches and plums are available in large quantities, so watermelon prices are expected to continue to drop."编辑:李雪晴参考来源:新华社

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